The Anglican Province of America faithfully offers her members a life of prayer rooted in Holy Scripture and the Sacraments.
We worship according to the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer, the American Missal, and the Anglican Missal in the American edition. We use the traditional hymns and psalter of the English Church.
We celebrate the Eucharist Ad Orientem (towards the East) or as most people wrongly say "with the priest's back to the people". This ancient practice causes much bewilderment among modern Christians.
The point in facing east is to emphasize the essential nature of the liturgy: that of a procession out of time and into eternity in Heaven. We see and taste this procession in the course of the liturgy. The celebrant, standing in the person of Christ, leads the way, but we are all moving together, as a community and as the people of God, as part of the same procession that begins at the Collect for Purity, continues through the Offertory, and culminates with our reception of Holy Communion.
The practice offers a psychological and spiritual benefit. It permits you the worshipper to contemplate the purely sacramental character of the Eucharist and focus less on the personality of the celebrant. From the celebrant's point of view, it permits a more intense focus on the mystery of the Eucharist taking place rather than on the personalities of the worshippers.